Zazenkai (All Day Retreat)

Upcoming Zazenkais
Saturday, January 25, 2025 ~ 5:30am – 8:30pm Pacific
Saturday, June 28, 2025 ~ 5:30am – 8:30pm Pacific
It’s too late to register for our Jan 25th Zazenkai, but you are welcome to join us in the Cloud Zendo or part time (anything except meals) in the Dirt Zendo.
Zazenkai means “sitting together.” Regular, prolonged periods of zazen are central to Zen practice, and sitting together builds Sangha.
Please join us for an all-day Zazenkai, which will include lots of zazen as well as chanting, formal meals, silent work practice, sanzen (optional private interview with the teacher), rest, and formal tea.
Dirt Zendo Zazenkai Schedule (Pacific Time Zone)
Dirt Zendo Zazenkai Schedule (Google Doc)
Cloud Zendo Zazenkai Schedule (8 Time Zones)
Cloud Zendo 8 Time Zone Schedule PDF (Note the 1/25 Zazenkai will not include 5:30am Eastern session)
Full-time participation is encouraged; it can be difficult to carve out time from a busy modern life for spaciousness and silence, but that’s exactly the point! Part-time participation is also welcome. Learn more below in “Attendance Options.”
Quicklinks for those participating in the Cloud Zendo Zazenkai:
Link to BWZ Zoom #2
Link to Request Zoom #2 Password
Zazenkai Schedule (8 Time Zones)
Zazenkai 8 Time Zone Schedule PDF
Zazenkai Schedule (Pacfic Time Zone)
Zazenkai Guidelines
Chant Book
Oryoki Meal Chant – Breakfast & Lunch
Oryoki Meal Chant – Dinner
Video of Oryoki Form
Work Chant
Afternoon Recitation
Evening Chant (Metta Sutta)
Attendance Options:
Join us in the Dirt Zendo if you can or the Cloud Zendo. To be supported in your intentions, anyone is encouraged to register (Dirt or Cloud). More specifically:
DIRT ZENDO: If you plan to be there during meals, please complete the registration form. Part time drop ins are okay.
CLOUD ZENDO: You may join in the Cloud Zendo without registering. If you are planning to attend most of the day in the Cloud Zendo, please submit a registration form so we know who will be joining us.
Suggestions for Cloud Zendo Participants:
If you are sitting the retreat at home, we have recommendations for how to make more of retreat container in your own space. If you live alone or your family members/housemates are agreeable, consider maintaining silence throughout the retreat schedule. It is also highly recommended you take yourself “offline” for the duration – no computer use (except for the retreat Zoom), no social or mass media, and put your phone on airplane mode or turn it off.
Suggested donation for the Zazenkai:
(but pay what you can, according to our Suggested Contribution policy)
- Dirt Zendo Full Day (with meals): $50
- Cloud Zendo Full Day: $25
- Part-time in either Cloud or Dirt Zendo: Contribute what seems right
BWZ Zazenkai Schedule – Dirt Zendo/Pacific Time
Zazen/Posture Adjustment/Zazen …….5:30 AM
Kinhin ……………………………………………..6:20
Zazen/Posture Adjustment/Zazen …….6:30
Chanting Service (30 min) ……………….7:20
Oryoki Meal …………………………………….8:00
Cleanup …………………………………………..8:40
Silent Work ……………………………………..9:00
End Work ……………………………………….10:00
Zazen ……………………………………………..10:20
Kinhin ……………………………………………10:50
Zazen ……………………………………………..11:00
Kinhin ……………………………………………11:30
Zazen ……………………………………………..11:40
Oryoki Meal …………………………………….12:00 PM
Cleanup/Rest Period ………………………..12:40
End Rest Period ……………………………….2:15
Recitation of Fukanzazengi ……………..2:30
Zazen (Sanzen available) ………………….2:45
Kinhin …………………………………………….3:15
Zazen (Sanzen available) …………………..3:25
Outdoor Kinhin or
Gentle Yoga in Zendo* ……………………3:55
Zazen ……………………………………………..4:25
End Zazen ………………………………………4:55
Oryoki Meal …………………………………….5:00
Cleanup …………………………………………..5:40
Zazen ………………………………………………6:30
Kinhin …………………………………………….6:55
Zazen ………………………………………………7:05
Formal Tea ………………………………………7:30
Closing Statements …………………………..7:45
Closing Chant (Metta Sutta)………………8:20
Retreat Ends …………………………………….8:30