We Adopted the Plan on Sunday November 17, 2024.

Goal 1: Make the Three Treasures Accessible to All
Strategy 1: Broaden the visibility of Bright Way Zen
Help more people discover Bright Way Zen, find ways to make our offerings seem inviting and accessible, and increase the diversity of people who participate in the Sangha for the first time. Possible approaches include:
- expanding advertising to people who have an interest in meditation, mindfulness, and contemplative programs
- growing our social media presence
- increasing attention to website SEO and online search ads
- getting engaged with local organizations to build relationships, particularly those led and championed by people of color and/or black or indigenous people
- offering Zen meditation workshops in Spanish or out in locations convenient and welcoming to the large Hispanic populations in our area
Visibility Committee: TBA
Strategy 2: Make our offerings inviting and meaningful to all
Once people have come through our physical or virtual door, make sure they feel welcome, provide clear ways for them to become part of the Sangha, and pay attention to potential barriers in this process. Possible approaches include:
- continue having periodic Awakening to Whiteness series for cohorts of white Sangha members
- establishing introductory workshops for new people in both the Dirt and Cloud Zendos
- designing or adapting offerings to meet the needs or interests those with disabilities and in the BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color) and LGBTQIA communities
Sangha Committee: TBA

Goal 2: Deepen People’s Engagement with the Three Treasures
Strategy 1: Cultivate a strong, warm, and inclusive sense of Sangha
Look after the social aspects of our community long term, help Sangha members feel valued and connected, and facilitate effective communication and harmonious relationships. Possible approaches include:
- continuing acts of appreciation such as sending thank yous and membership anniversary cards
- continuing to encourage participants to form or join smaller, intimate cohorts like the book, podcast discussion, and metta groups
- looking for ways to support Sangha members in times of need
- finding ways to keep Sangha members better connected and informed
- establishing a Sangha mentoring/Zen buddy system to connect new & established members
Sangha Committee: TBA
Strategy 2: Provide opportunities for members to deepen their practice
Possible approaches include:
- continuing to offer 5-day sesshin retreats once or twice a year, plus several zazenkai and one-day retreats
- continuing to offer a rich array of zazen, Dharma study, ceremonies, and all other traditional aspects of our Soto Zen practice
- mentoring people in Sangha practice roles like Cloud Zendo host, ceremony roles, and chant leading
Responsible for Deepening Practice: Domyo & Senior Members
Strategy 3: Manifest our bodhisattva vows beyond the walls of our Zen center
Act as a community within the greater world, put our bodhisattva vows into concrete action, embody compassion and generosity, and honor the truth of interdependence. Possible approaches include:
- getting engaged with other organizations to build relationships, particularly those led and championed by people of color and/or black or indigenous people
- doing service projects as a Sangha, benefiting our greater community
- finding ways to support Cloud members in their bodhisattva activities
Peace and Justice Committee: TBA

Goal 3: Ensure Our Sangha Will Thrive Far Into the Future
Strategy 1: Provide an annual salary and benefit package of $70,000 of support to our teacher by 2030
Possible approaches include:
- increasing revenue from current membership and annual fundraising
- cultivating Sangha growth in terms of numbers, consistent with Goal 1 (Making the Three Treasures Accessible to All Who Might Benefit)
Responsible for Goal 3, Strategy 1: Bright Way Zen Board
Strategy 2: Work toward ownership of a physical Zen center sufficient for the Sangha’s needs by 2035
Possible approaches include:
- communicating clearly with the Sangha, Dirt and Cloud, the reason for the value of strong physical roots
- establishing a strong planned giving program (e.g. members putting Bright Way Zen in their wills)
- researching financing options, and beginning a capital campaign when appropriate.
Responsible for Goal 3, Strategy 2: Bright Way Zen Board & Sangha Home Committee
Strategy 3: Grow ability of the Sangha to maintain and transmit the Soto Zen tradition and its own culture
Possible approaches include:
- mentoring Sangha members into practice, leadership, and teaching roles
- scheduling regular student talks
- continuing to develop the Zaike Tokudo path (lay ordination)
Responsible for Goal 3, Strategy 3: Domyo & Senior Members
Strategy 4: Work for the transition to a life-sustaining society and increase climate resilience within our Sangha and in our communities
Possible approaches include:
- facilitating discussion of our climate and ecological emergency in Dharma Talks and classes
- making ecologically-friendly choices as a Sangha
- participating in non-partisan efforts to ensure a liveable environment for all people, including those experiencing the worst effects of the climate crisis
- taking measures to be resilient in face of likely negative impacts of climate change, both in Oregon and in the various places where our Cloud Zendo members live
Peace and Justice Committee: TBA