Spring Sesshin – April 23-28, 2024
This spring, 19 of us joined to sit together for Sesshin at Oral Hull outside of Sandy Oregon. This year felt like the the quietest sesshin yet, we’re getting the hang of creating the sesshin container together at this particular retreat facility.
Unfortunately, unlike our previous two sesshin at Oral Hull, the internet was too slow and intermittent to support a Zoom connection. Those who wished to participate in the Cloud were on their own. This makes sesshin very challenging (if not impossible, for most of us), and those in the Dirt Zendo missed our Cloud Sangha members very much. One retreatant was heard to say, “It felt like we were missing a limb.” We are making every effort to make sure internet is robust for our
September (24-29) sesshin. We hope you will join us this fall!
Domyo offered Teisho during Sesshin. “Tei” means to offer or put forth, and “sho” means to recite or proclaim. Teisho are sometimes called “encouragement talks,” and they are meant to help listeners connect with the Dharma in spaciousness and silence of zazen. Teisho are not about explanations or the imparting of information, and they generally not recorded. They are offered spontaneously, just for the moment, just for those listening.
Our sesshin teisho were not recorded, but Domyo offers one inspired by our sesshin on her Zen Studies Podcast. Click here to listen.
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