Read & Sign the Buddhist Declaration
on Climate Change
The Time to Act is Now: A Buddhist Declaration on Climate Change
May 14, 2015
Today we live in a time of great crisis, confronted by the gravest challenge that humanity has ever faced: the ecological consequences of our own collective karma. The scientific consensus is overwhelming: human activity is triggering environmental breakdown on a planetary scale… Many scientists have concluded that the survival of human civilization is at stake. We have reached a critical juncture in our biological and social evolution. There has never been a more important time in history to bring the resources of Buddhism to bear on behalf of all living beings… Click here to read the whole Declaration
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Bright Way Zen Signatures:
Domyo Burk
Jeff Young
Alvin Collin Steele
Joseph West
Ellen Carlin
Bella Jhunjhunwala
Janna Allgood
Mary Fushin Payne
Christian Faucheux
Patrick Ryan
Sean Graham
Joseph West
Arwen Bird
Rissa Steele

Photo by Philip Rosenberg
Buddhists Go to the White House
The streets of Washington DC were lined with blossoms and greenery, the prospect of promise. One hundred thirty Buddhist teachers, monks, nuns, laymen and laywomen, academics, and organizers met on Thursday May 14 for the first “White House—U.S. Buddhist Leadership Conference,” the subject at hand being “Voices in the Square—Action in the World.”
While I am ambivalent about a designation of Buddhist “leaders” — and can think of many other friends and elders who could have, should have been in the room—in this event the notion of leadership cuts in two directions. A remarkably diverse group of women and men were meeting to shape a common understanding of how to bring our various Buddhist practices into a troubled world. At the same time there was a unique opportunity to be in dialogue with White House and State Department staff interested in finding Buddhist allies to work on issues of climate change, racial justice, and peacebuilding. Click here to keep reading about the background of the Declaration