How many days pass so quickly we hardly notice their passing? At Zen meditation retreats you definitely notice what is going on!
A Zen retreat can be a life-changing experience. At a retreat we pay mindful attention throughout the day to our meditation, our breath, chanting, silent work, a silent meal… we slow down, but in the midst of discipline, and our minds and bodies have a chance to catch up with each other. Bright Way Zen holds retreats on Saturdays from 8:30am until 4:30pm approx. three times a year (more if there is demand). In 2018, we expect to have One-Day Retreats on Jan. 27th, April 28th, and October 20th. See the Event calendar for the most up-to-date information on the dates of upcoming retreats. (Note that we also hold an annual out-of-town residential sesshin; in 2018 this will be held at Fireside Retreat Center August 8-12.)
Click the following links for more information: Retreat Schedule; Retreat Location, Cost & Registration. One-day retreats are sweet, brief versions of the longer (5-10 day) Zen meditation retreats called “sesshin,” but even in one day we experience, almost in microcosm, the things we experience in sesshin – albeit usually not as intensely. For more information on the Zen practice of sesshin, click here.
Note: before registering for retreats it is important that you have experience with meditation and will feel comfortable meditating for a total of about 3-4 hours during the retreat (in 20-30 minute blocks; chairs will be available). If you do not have experience with meditation, please come to one of our regular meetings first (arrive 30 minutes early and you can receive a brief introduction to zen meditation).