Secular Zen Monday Evenings
The last Secular Zen Monday meeting will be October 27th. As of November 2014 we will no longer be meeting on Monday evenings or offering a specifically secular program. However, if you are looking for a secular format you are encouraged to try our Tuesday evening program. It begins with a recitation of Zen teaching and an offering at the altar, but if you arrive at 7:15pm you will miss all of the ritual and the remainder of the evening is more or less the same as the secular Zen Mondays (with the exception of the presence of an altar).
For those who are interested in Zen meditation, study and community without any religious elements (chanting, altars, bowing, ritual, devotional practices, robes, etc.), Bright Way Zen offers Secular Zen on Monday evenings from 7-8:45pm.
At our Secular Zen meetings, the altar will be screened off and we will simply sit zazen and study together.
You are welcome to arrive or leave at any time.
Arrive 30 minutes early (6:30pm) if you would like an introduction to Zen meditation
7:00pm……Zazen (seated meditation)
7:20………..Kinhin (slow walking meditation)
7:50………..Break for tea & cookies
8:00………..Study and discussion
8:45………..Evening ends (sometimes 9 if the discussion is lively)
Monday Study
On Mondays, Domyo brings something to read aloud together and discuss.