Jukai Ceremony 2024
On Sunday June 2nd, 14 people received the bodhisattva precepts in our annual Jukai ceremony, formally becoming Zen Buddhists in our lineage by publicly vowing to live by the precepts as best they can. Congrats and welcome!
Six people received the precepts in the Dirt Zendo (Jen, Yoly, Nathalie, Isaac, Courtney, and Eric) and eight people received the precepts in the Cloud Zendo: Aslea (CA), Simon (UK), Rachel (TX), Jessica (WA), Deni (KS), Arelan (WA), Eva (UK), and Cassie (NV). It was particularly moving to witness family or friends placing the wagesa over Cloud preceptees’ heads as Domyo’s proxy.
Congrats to all our new Buddhists!
Click to enlarge the photos below: