Joining the BWZ Sesshin in the Cloud Zendo
During our annual sesshin (silent, residential retreat), we welcome anyone to sit periods of zazen with us in the Cloud Zendo.
- Please consult the sesshin schedule (also see below) before joining, so you can enter appropriately depending our what is happening
- Keep yourself muted
- You are encouraged to keep you video on, although this is optional; however, if your camera is going to capture movement (yours, or a pet’s), please turn your camera off
Note that the sesshin meet in a different Zoom room than our regular Bright Way Zen events!
Quicklinks for those participating in the Cloud Zendo Sesshin:
Sesshin Schedule (8 Time Zones)
Sesshin Schedule (8 Time Zones, PDF)
Sesshin Schedule (Pacfic Time Zone)
Cloud Zendo Retreat Guidelines
Morning Chanting Service
Oryoki Meal Chant – Breakfast & Lunch
Oryoki Meal Chant – Dinner
Video of Oryoki Form
Work Chant
Afternoon Recitation
Evening Chant (Metta Sutta)
SESSHIN SCHEDULE (may change slightly)
Zazen*Zazen means 20-25 minutes of zazen, followed by posture adjustment, followed by 20-25 minutes of zazen – Times in Pacific Time. Joining us in the Cloud Zendo? For the Sesshin Schedule translated into 8 different time zones, see the links elsewhere on this web page. Click here for a printable version of this schedule.
First evening:
4-6pm…….Arrival, check-in
5-6:00……..Dinner available
6:00 ……….Oryoki Instruction available
7:35………..Zazen – Evening Teisho (encouraging words from teacher)
8:00………..Kinhin (Silver Dragons – those 60 or over – or those with health issues can go to bed at this time if they chose)
9:00………..Closing Chant (Metta Sutta)
9:10………..To bed
Full Days:
5:10……….Wake-up bell
5:40am…..Zazen*Zazen (Posture Adjustment Bell 6:05)
6:30……….Kinhin (Silver Dragons – those 60 or over – or those with health issues can arrive in the Zendo during/after kinhin if they chose)
6:40……….Zazen*Zazen (Posture Adjustment Bell 7:05)
7:30……….Morning Chanting Service
8:00……….Oryoki breakfast (Meal Chant)
8:40……….Meal cleanup
9:00……….Work period (Work Chant)
10:30………End work period
12:30………Oryoki Lunch (Meal Chant)
1:10………..Meal cleanup, Rest Period
2:45………..End rest period
3:00………..Evening Service – Fukanzazengi
3:10………..Zazen*Zazen (Posture Adjustment Bell 3:35)
4:00………..Mindful Movement (outdoor kinhin or gentle guided yoga in zendo)
5:00………..Oryoki Dinner (Meal Chant – Dinner)
5:40………..Meal cleanup, break
8:00………..Kinhin (Silver Dragons – those 60 or over – or those with health issues can go to bed at this time if they chose)
9:00………..Formal Tea, Closing Chant (Metta Sutta)
9:20………..To bed
Last Day:
5:10……….Wake-up bell
5:40am…..Zazen*Zazen (Posture Adjustment Bell 6:05)
6:30……….Kinhin (Silver Dragons – those 60 or over – or those with health issues can arrive in the Zendo during/after kinhin if they chose)
6:40……….Zazen*Zazen (Posture Adjustment Bell 7:05)
7:30……….Morning Chanting Service
8:00……….Oryoki breakfast (Meal Chant)
8:40……….Kitchen cleanup
9:15……….Closing Circle (online portion of sesshin ends after closing circle)
10:30……….Work period (silence is lifted; packing, cleaning)
11:45………Retreat Closing Ceremony and Dedication to Retreat Center
12:00p……Community Lunch (informal)