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Everyone Is on a Path Toward Greater Wisdom and Compassion

A friend of mine has a saying, “It takes all kinds of people to make the world go ‘round. Unfortunately.” Other people are the most challenging aspect of our lives, particularly when we strongly disagree with their views, choices and behaviors. The ideal of unconditional love and acceptance of all people can sometimes seem like [Read More…]
Source: My Journey of Conscience

Let’s Start a Global Movement!

Would you be willing to adopt the following Seven Principles and become a Global Citizen? I dream of a mass movement: People everywhere – regardless of nationality, race, faith, class, political party – committing to these core principles, or something like them. Our future depends on living according to these kinds of values – as [Read More…]
Source: My Journey of Conscience

Remembering There’s Nothing We Can Do to Prevent Change

Sometimes I notice stress sneaking into my life. It starts accumulating under the surface of everything, making me irritable and somewhat sad. Usually this has to do with anxiety about the future. It’s important to note this anxiety is pretty unspecific and open-ended. It’s not that I’m biting my nails because X might happen. It’s [Read More…]
Source: My Journey of Conscience

My First Protest Rally

Just thought I’d write a little report about my first protest rally. I’m guessing my readers will fall into two basic categories with respect to protests: Either you have attended them before and they’re no big deal to you, or you haven’t attended one before and they present awkward, uncharted territory. Until yesterday I was [Read More…]
Source: My Journey of Conscience