Connecting to the Bright Way Zen Cloud Zendo
Zoom Instructions
1. Get the free Zoom app on your phone, tablet, or computer.
Click here for detailed instructions on how to download the free Zoom app and connect. Most people find Zoom pretty user-friendly, but if you need any help getting set up with Zoom, go ahead and contact Zoom tech support, or email us (info@brightwayzenorg).
Camera: Please consider having your camera on whenever possible to support your own practice as well as that of others. When sitting zazen, sit facing to the side or away from the camera so you aren’t looking directly into it.
2. Check which Zoom Room a given activity is in:
- Each Calendar Event indicates which Zoom is being used
- Most activities are on our Main Zoom (click the link or type in 722-532-8943)
- Some activities are on Zoom #2 (retreats, small group meetings, special events; click the link or type in 937-174-1010)
- You will need the password to each room. Click here to request the passwords.
- Note: Meetings with Domyo happen on her Zoom, ending in 5898; you will receive that info before any meeting.
3. Learn a little something about how to have a rewarding practice experience in the Cloud Zendo:
Review this helpful article on Zoom/Cloud Zendo etiquette to help your home practice be as rewarding as possible, and to help you practice harmoniously with the Sangha.
Zoom Info and Passwords