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Become a Member

Find out about our future dream for our Sangha

Our dream for having a permanent Sangha home

What Membership Means


Do you value what Bright Way Zen offers?

Click here to make a one-time donation, or consider supporting us through membership:

♦ By signing up as a member, you officially join our community, or Sangha. You say, “Here I am! I value Bright Way Zen and want it to continuing offering opportunities to practice and study Zen and build community.”

♦ Members pledge a regular a monthly, quarterly or annual donation that allows us to budget and plan. One-time donations are wonderful, but it’s difficult to depend on them to pay for paying rent, covering bills, and supporting our teacher.

♦ Your commitment is a tangible source of energy for the Sangha. 

♦ Members are eligible to vote for the directors on our Board, and also serve on the Board.

♦ Members can communicate with one another through an email group, and have access to an online member directory.

♦ Members look out for one another, and support one another in life and practice over the years.

What Level of Support Should I Give?


All members of Bright Way Zen are equal and valued, and there are no privileges associated with higher contributions amounts. However, we offer suggested donation amounts so you can make an informed decision about how much you give:

Benefactor ($200+ per month*) – This level of support allows us to make full participation in the Sangha available to everyone who wants it, regardless of financial situation.

Cultivator ($100-199 per month*) – This level of support reflects our true costs for maintaining the Sangha and working toward our Strategic Plan goals, including a living wage for our guiding teacher, renting and maintaining our current space, and building capital for a down payment on a permanent Dirt Zendo home, which will ensure strong roots for a vibrant Cloud and Dirt Sangha.

Sustainer ($50-99 per month*) – This level of support allows Bright Way to meet our budget each year (click here to see our budgets). If you want to receive Jukai or participate in programs like Term Student, it is greatly appreciated if you can support Bright Way at the Sustainer level or higher.

Friend ($10-49 per month*) – If you are on a limited income or partake of only a few of Bright Way Zen’s offerings, we still greatly appreciate your Friend level contributions.

* The support levels are described as “per month,” but you are welcome to give quarterly, twice a year, or annually an amount that averages out to a given level

Increasing Your Recurring (monthly, quarterly, or annual) Pledge:

If you use Billpay through your bank:

Log into your online bank account or call your bank to change this.

If you pay your pledge by Paypal:

Email info[at] to ask us to change your recurring Paypal transaction.

    If you pay your pledge through Neon:

    You should be able to log into our membership site and edit or set up a recurring payment, please let us know (info[at] if you have any questions or problems doing this! Instructions below:

      1. Click MEMBERS in the upper right hand corner of the top menu of this website.
      2. Click the link Members: Click here to log into our Member & Donor website, NeonCRM.
      3. Sign in using your email address as your login name; if you’ve forgotten your password, click Having trouble logging in? and have a reset password link sent you your email.
      4. Choose Edit Recurring Donation from the dropdown menu and follow the steps. Click Set up recurring donation to start a recurring pledge.